Join Our Faculty

ELI is blessed with more demand for training than our faculty can handle. Consider joining us. We need men and women who are experienced teachers and leaders in local churches, schools, and businesses as we look to expand our Kingdom impact.

Here’s how to get started.


Volunteer faculty are self-funded individuals who travel and teach with ELI as their other responsibilities, time, and resources allow. Volunteers often connect with a faculty member working in a specific region.

Part-Time / Adjunct

Part-time/Adjunct faculty are self-funded or supported individuals committed to teaching with ELI 2-3 times a year. After becoming familiar with ELI’s work, part-time instructors can expect to take responsibility for one training partnership.


Full-time faculty are self-funded or supported individuals who work full-time with ELI. These individuals can expect to teach 6-10 times per year and have primary responsibility for 2-3 national partnerships.

still have questions

Vicki Kloosterhouse

I have seen the hope that ELI brings to pastors and teachers who are struggling to make a difference in their countries. ELI ignites a vision in these leaders, and through ongoing training empowers and equips them to build and sustain a transformational culture.

Cliff Montgomery

If the vision is to transform an entire culture with the gospel of Jesus Christ, ELI's approach of shaping the thinking of that culture's leaders is the most direct and holistic path to bringing that vision to reality.

Gene Whitehead

ELI works with church leaders from various denominations. I was impressed to find the pastors engaged with the teaching, asking questions and even challenging some of our positions.

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