Training model

95% of global pastors have little to no formal training. 

ELI follows the model outlined by Paul in 2 Timothy 2:2. We not only train pastors directly. We seek to train those who will be able to train others. Our goal is to equip national leaders to carry on ELI’s training ministry to their country and beyond.

our national partners

Our training model begins with our national partners. These partners are normally engaged with extensive networks of leaders in churches, and often in education or the business community. Our training is primarily designed to serve our national partners’ networks of leaders.

large-group conferences

The first stage in our training is often through large-group conferences.  Our national partners gather leaders in their networks, and we give them a taste of verse-by-verse biblical exposition through a foundational Bible book like 1 Timothy (church leadership) or Ephesians (basic gospel teaching), or topical studies such as biblical marriage (practical Christian living). 

timothys (certified course instructors)

Once our national partner and his network embrace the Bible teaching we do, the next stage is to ask our national partner to choose from among his network key leaders who are able to teach others. This next level of training aims to develop Certified Course Instructors (“Timothys”) able to teach all of ELI’s courses to more and more leaders.  In this way, the training is multiplied many times over.

eli curriculum

Over time we will train our Timothys in a series of 12-15 courses that include, for pastors, courses in (1) studying, teaching, and preaching the Bible as the whole counsel of God; (2) theology, or what the Bible teaches as a whole about God, salvation, faith, etc.; and (3) practical biblical ministry. Each course includes a printed  curriculum that becomes, for many village pastors, their theological library. Additional courses are offered to leaders in business and education, to instill a holistic biblical worldview, teaching them how to do all aspects of their work for the glory of God.


This is the wisdom in Paul’s instruction to Timothy. The church grows through multiplication of trained leaders. The Timothys that ELI trains can go places ELI faculty often cannot, and into cultures quite foreign to us. The result is more and more well-trained Christian leaders across the globe!

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